Tuesday 27 November 2012

Gaining Weight!

Gaining Weight seems like a easy task in contrast to losing weight, but take my words, its equally difficult to gain healthy weight as is losing healthy weight.

When you are looking for an increase to bring your weight to your target weight, you should ideally be looking to increase your muscle mass at the same time keeping your fat gain at the minimum. This is a 2 step process; 1) Exercise and 2) Eat Well.

Unless you exert your body and sweat some serious stuff, you are going no-where. Exercise jump starts your body's ability to convert food into energy, providing much needed energy to your exercised muscle groups to help them recover. This recovery process is where new muscle tissues are made to cater to the stress your exercise routine puts on your muscles, thus you start gaining healthy weight. Exercise with good quality clean food intake ensures you are gaining muscular weight instead of fat.

Eating lot of fruit, veggies, lean meat and other high protein diets guarantees you will gain muscle mass while exercise ensures all excess fat from your body is burned up. What you end up is a healthy weight gain, good muscle tone, high energy and strength.

So take control and start gaining.

Happy Gaining!

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Calorie Requirement Chart (Age/Activity)

Food Calories Chart!

Food – Calorie Chart (*CHO = Carbohydrates)
Each serving in the cereal group contains 15gm of CHO, 3gms of proteins, a trace of fat and 80
Bread(white or brown) 1 large slice
Pau 1 average size
Rice ( brown) ½ cup
Rice (white boiled) ½ cup
Rice flakes 25 gm weight
Chapati 1 (approx 6 inches wide)
Dosa (appox 10 inches) 1 (approx 10 inches in diameter)
Idli (small) 1 small size
Upma ½ cup
Poha ½ cup
Spaghetti(cooked) ½ cup
Macaroni(cooked) ½ cup
Noodles(cooked) ½ cup
Porridge ½ cup
Potato 1 small
Corn ½ cup
Cornflakes ¾ cup
Chowmein noodles ½ cup

Each serving in this group contains 12 gms of CHO, 6gms of proteins and 1 gm of fat and
80 cal
 Each serving in the group is about 25 gms by weight if uncooked and about 1 cup cooked
(thin watery) or ½ cup cooked (thick)
 Masoor, Arhar , Urad , Rajmah , Chana , Beans

 Each serving in this group contains 5 gms of CHO, 2 gms of proteins and 28 cal
 For vegetables, one cup of raw leafy greens, ¾ cup of vegetable juice, or ½ cup of
chopped/cooked vegetable is one serving

Each serving contains 15 gms of CHO and gives 60 cal
Apple 1 (medium)
 Apricots, raw 4
 Avocado 2 (medium)
 Banana ½ (medium)
 Chikoo 1 (small)
 Papaya, cubed 1 cup
 Pineapple, cubed ¾ cup
Amla 15
 Pomegranate ½ cup
 Jamun 12 – 15 pieces
 Watermelon (cubed) 11/4 cup
 Musk melon ¼ medium size
 Strawberries 1 ¼ cup
Orange 1 medium
Pears 1 small
Plums 2
Sweet lime 1
 Peaches 1
Guava 1 medium
Mango ½ small
Dried Fruit
Dates 2 ½ medium
Figs 1 ½
 Prunes 3 medium
 Raisins 2 tbsp
Fruit juice
 Orange juice ½ cup
 Pineapple juice ½ cup
 Grapefruit Juice ½ cup
 Apple juice ½ cup

Each serving of skimmed milk contains 12 gms CHO, 8 gms Protein and 80 cal
 Skimmed milk 1 cup
 Buttermilk 1 cup
Yogurt 1 cup
 Cottage cheese 1/3 cup
Each serving of whole milk contains 12 gms CHO, 8 gms of
proteins, 8 gms of fat and 150 cal
 Whole milk 1 cup
Yogurt 8 oz

Each serving contains 5 gm of fat and 45 cal
Unsaturated Fat
Oil 1 tsp
 Nuts and seeds 2 whole
 Mayonnaise 1 tbsp
 Peanuts 20 small
Saturated Fat
 Butter 1 tsp

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Losing Weight!

BMR (Basal metabolic rate) is the amount of energy utilized by humans during the day.

In order to lose healthy weight, you need to retain your muscle mass at the same time losing all that unwanted fat. This is possible if your metabolism rate is at optimal level most of the time during the day. Just ensure a few things listed below and you will surely witness the results!

1. Sleep Well: Sleep deprivation is the number one villain in disturbing your metabolic rate. Target at-least 7 hours of sound sleep.

2. Eat More but Small: Eating triggers your metabolic cycle. Ideally, one should have 6 to 7 meals per day. We have developed a lot of bad eating habits, eating big meals thrice a day is one of them! ...when your body knows its not going to get any food (fuel) for the next 6 hours or so in between meals, it automatically slows down the metabolic rate and does not readily convert food into energy but rather uses only the bear minimum required and stores the rest as fat, this is also the same reason why some people don't lost weight by dieting since all that they eat during their dieting is stored as fat for future energy requirements by the body and not readily utilized. Your eating timetable should look somewhat like this;
Breakfast @ 0800 hrs
Snack @ 1100 hrs
Lunch @ 1400 hrs
Snack @ 1700 hrs
Dinner @ 2000 hrs
Snack @ 2300 hrs

3. Drink a lot of Water: Water is the main constituent of human body with 75% which undoubtedly explains its importance. You should look for gulping down at-least 2 liters of water daily to keep your digestive system lubricated and your body hydrated.

4. Move, Move, Move: The level of activity throughout the day determines a great deal of your physical appearance and feel. 30 minutes of moderate exercise (Aerobics, Walk/Jog) at-least 3 times a week is considered regular, however, there's nothing like it if you can achieve it 6 days a week. This will not only keep you healthy but you will find yourself active, energetic and on the move!

Happy Losing!